More or less
An attempt was made to recreate the image of the communist mural, because many are destroyed in Polish cities. The natural destruction of murals made them perhaps more attractive than in their glory days. The mural was found degraded so deeply that its message was blurred. This (drawing) what appeared on it was blurred to such an extent that the mural became almost completely illegible.
The attempt to reconstruct the blurred message took place after a rather cursory, not very deep analysis (as if after the first glance). So it was a reconstruction of "more or less"
We are dealing here with interpretative abuse - the resulting image changes the sense of the old message, extracting from that only as much as it is comfortable.
We are currently trapped in a network of interpretations. One is replaced by the other. (F.Nietzsche)
When interpreting, the aspect that you want to find is usually important. We usually omit those elements that do not match the thesis (puzzle) adopted at first glance. At first glance, the damaged painting seemed to be a magnifying glass, then a traffic light, and also a medal, which it most likely was.
What is interpretation? In-depth analysis or creative action?
There is policy in every action, one being replaced by the other (Stanley Fisch)
The magnifying glass, which was created in the place of its supposed shape, highlights the inscription resulting from the overlap of two words. The tension between them is contained in the overlap of the vowels "O" and "E" resulting in the words histOryzacja-histEryzacja (historically - hysterically).
Today, art is often used only to recreate old events. This is especially true in monumental sculpture, also in architecture. Urban sculptures are most often created in the 19th century style. The most important thing in these projects is their historical aesthetics, not creative activity.
After 89 years, thousands of monuments were erected to glorify figures and events important for the nation. There are even attempts to erect monuments to those who refused it categorically during their lives (example K. Feldman, Poznań)
Similarly, there is a tendency to abuse reconstruction in architecture.
An example is the Przemysł Castle in Poznań, which is to be rebuilt on existing medieval foundations. The problem arises because there is not enough information regarding the actual appearance of the castle. The reconstruction project that was created is only presumed visualization, not a copy. An additional problem is which versions of the castle to rebuild. Was the original one from the Middle Ages or the one from the Renaissance rebuilt after being burned?